Written by Geoffrey S. Blunt on April 25, 2018
woman taking supplement

An Essential Nutrient You Need To Consume

Fat has a bad rep in the diet world, but there is one kind that you don’t want to cut back on. Omega-3 fatty acids. This is one of the most thoroughly studied nutrients and it has been found to have a whole host of health benefits. Omega 3 fatty acids cannot be made by the body and so they need to be obtained from the food that we eat.  

bottle and omega-3 supplements There are 11 types of omega-3 fatty acids, though they are not all very beneficial for the body. The most important types of these fatty acids are EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) which are mainly found in seafood and fatty fish. If you don’t eat these foods, then it is worth taking a supplement to make sure your needs are met. When it comes to buying a supplement, it is important to make sure you buy from a reputable manufacturer that only uses the best ingredients, sourcing their fish oil from natural sources, and providing optimal amounts of EPA and DHA. It is worth reading Research Verified reviews to learn what to look out for in a trustworthy manufacturer. These essential fatty acids provide huge benefits for the body.

Reduces Inflammation

Inflammation in the body is a good thing when it comes to fighting infection and disease. However, when this inflammation persists for a long time, that is when problems arise. Omega-3 fatty acids have been found to reduce the production of the molecules that are responsible for inflammation in the body.

Lowers The Risk Of Heart Disease

Research found that communities that eat high amounts of fish have lower heart disease rates than in communities where not much fish is eaten. It was discovered that Eskimos in Greenland had a lower death rate from heart disease compared to Americans. Studies have found that consuming omega-3 fatty acids reduce triglyceride levels in the blood, blood pressure, cholesterol, and blood clots which lower the risk of developing heart disease.

Fights Depression And Anxiety

Both depression and anxiety are very common disorders which can affect a person’s functioning and their quality of life. People who eat high amounts of omega-3 have been found to be less likely to have depression. What’s more, those who do experience depression and anxiety found their symptoms to improve when they started consuming more omega-3 fatty acids. One study found EPA to be comparable to anti-depressants in terms of dealing with depression.

Improves Brain Health

portrait of brain with dumbbells Omega-3 fatty acids are important for brain development in babies. Children whose moms consumed adequate amounts of omega-3 during pregnancy have been found to have higher intelligence, fewer behavior problems, less risk of developmental delays, and better communication and social skills. Omega-3 has also been found to lower the risk of dementia and Alzheimer's disease in adults.

Improves Eye Health       

DHA is one of the main components of the retina in the eye. Consuming omega-3 fatty acids, particularly DHA, during pregnancy is essential for the healthy development of the retina in the fetus and infant in the first few months of life. This is an important nutrient for allowing the eyes to see under different lighting conditions. Not getting enough DHA is when vision problems may come about.  

The Bottom Line

While eating a diet high in fish may not be everyone’s ideal food choice, it is important to consume enough omega-3 fatty acids. Ideally, you should try to eat fish that is high in EPA and DHA at least two to three times a week. Such fish include anchovies, herring, wild salmon, sardines, tuna, and mackerel. If you are not a big fish eater, then it important to take an omega-3 supplement. Just make sure to do your research into choosing the best one.  

Well researched reviews, from the experts at Research & You.