Written by Tim A. Davis on May 9, 2018
bottle of NOW D-Mannose Powder

NOW D-Mannose Powder - Does It Work?-Review

What is NOW D-Mannose Powder?

This review is going to take a closer look at NOW D-Mannose Powder to learn more about how it works and to see if it worthwhile to try out. D-Mannose powder is a dietary supplement that is taken in order to treat and prevent UTIs from occurring. D-Mannose works by preventing E.Coli bacteria, which is the bacteria that is believed to cause 80% of UTIs, from sticking to the urinary tract walls. The manufacturer claims that this supplement will cleanse your urinary tract and helps maintain a healthy bladder lining. It is metabolized in small amounts so it won’t interfere with healthy blood sugar regulation.

Ingredients & How It Works

The only active ingredient in this supplement is D-Mannose. Every serving contains 2,000 mg. D-Mannose is a naturally occurring simple sugar that the body metabolizes in small amounts while the remainder is quickly excreted in the urine. It is believed to prevent UTIs from occurring because it interferes with the particle attachment of E.Coli in the urinary tract and allows the bad bacteria to be flushed out with the urine as opposed to multiplying and manifesting into an infection. It is only effective for E.Coli which causes 80% of UTIs.

Daily Serving

The manufacturer recommends taking 1 level teaspoon one to two times daily with water or juice.

If you are under medical supervision, taking prescription medication, nursing or pregnant, you should consult with your healthcare provider before taking this product.


You can purchase this supplement exclusively from third-party retailers. We found one six oz bottle for $32.35 online. There are no bulk purchasing packages or discounts offered but that can vary according to the manufacturer you purchase from.


It appears that NOW does not offer a manufacturer’s guarantee. This is risky because it means that if you purchase this supplement and it doesn’t work for you or you experience adverse side effects, you cannot get your money back.

Our Review Summary Of NOW D-Mannose Powder

This D-Mannose powder appears to be a promising supplement that can help you treat and prevent UTIs from occurring. It comes in an easy to take powder and it contains a decent amount of D-Mannose per serving. However, the price per bottle is relatively expensive. D-Mannose is a supplement that you can potentially take daily over an extended amount of time in order to avoid developing a UTI but the manufacturer does not offer any bulk purchasing packages in order to make it financially easier to choose their supplement. It is also not backed by a manufacturer’s guarantee which is risky. The lack of a manufacturer’s guarantee suggests that the manufacturer is not confident in its product’s abilities and it is risky for the consumer. It also means that if you purchase this supplement and it doesn’t work for you or you experience adverse side effects, you cannot get your money back. You are better off purchasing a D-Mannose supplement that is backed by a strong manufacturer’s guarantee and has bulk purchasing options.

Well researched reviews, from the experts at Research & You.